Glossary – Web Analytics

Web Analytics What is Web Analytics?    Website analytics refers to the collection, study and reporting of data concerning users’ conduct on different sites. It involves understanding how users interact with a website, and recognizing the areas that need...

Glossary – Database Management

Database Management  Introduction  Imagine having a vast collection of digital books. How will you arrange them so that you can easily find any book? Database management does the same thing for all types of digital data. It helps organize, control, and retrieve data...

Glossary – Model Training

Model Training What is Model Training?    Model training is a crucial step in the machine learning process, where a machine learning algorithm is fed training data from which it can learn. This entails creating a mathematical representation that connects data features...

Glossary – Deepfake Technology

Deepfake Technology  Introduction  Deepfake technology merges deep learning and fake data to produce highly authentic videos and audios. By employing a generative adversarial network (GAN) approach, deepfakes seamlessly overlay existing content onto new ones using AI....

Glossary – Cloud Access Security Brokers

Cloud Access Security Brokers  Introduction to Cloud Access Security Broker With the onset of the digital age, cloud computing has become a fundamental storage for data and software applications that fuel small startups and multinational companies. However, this...

Glossary – Neural Style Transfer

Neural Style Transfer What is Neural Style Transfer (NST)?   Neural Style Transfer (NST) merges content and style images through a neural network. It minimizes differences between their representations, using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This process creates...