Retail has been one of the leading growth-oriented sectors, particularly in the developing markets. Demand and supply planning was traditionally considered a tedious process consisting of several repetitive tasks such as searching and assembling data, regulating them, administering simulations, and subsequently conveying the plan of action. All these tasks can now be automated using RPA technologies.

Successful retailers and FMCG players will be those that connect with consumers in newer ways by leaning on their digital, omnichannel, and in-store technologies. Retail businesses need to sell their products effectively and constantly improve their products, processes, and customer experiences which has compelled the sector to be at the forefront of adopting innovative technologies.

Kanerika empowers retail and FMCG organizations by setting up a digital transformation strategy that drives enhanced customer experience, optimizes the processes, and makes the entire business operations smoother and cost effective.

Benefits of
digital transformation for Retail & FMCG
Efficient use of data
Retailers are piling on data from all
sources. They can consolidate data and
take advantage of data-driven analytics to
precisely predict demand, quickly respond
to customer needs, and deliver products
faster and efficiently.
RPA and automation
Automation of repeatable, mundane
processes, so businesses can focus on
other important tasks such as orders,
products, and customers that most need
your attention. Automation can optimize
the supply chain and open up innovative
distribution channels. Use of RPA to get
rid of human errors and drive
operational efficiency and insights is
becoming critical in retail and FMCG.
Innovative shopping
Appetite for e-commerce spending has
drastically increased amid the pandemic
and most consumers need ease of
shopping coupled with innovative digital
experiences. The future is about
delivering frictionless shopping
experience with seamless integration of
e-Commerce and omnichannel systems
to gain consumer loyalty.
Benefits of
Digital Transformation for Retail & FMCG Industry
Efficient use of data
Retailers are piling on data from all sources. They can consolidate data and take advantage of data-driven analytics to precisely predict demand, quickly respond to customer needs, and deliver products faster and efficiently.
Innovative shopping experience
Appetite for e-commerce spending has drastically increased amid the pandemic and most consumers need ease of shopping coupled with innovative digital experiences. The future is about delivering frictionless shopping experience with seamless integration of e-Commerce and omnichannel systems to gain consumer loyalty.
RPA and automation
Automation of repeatable, mundane processes, so businesses can focus on other important tasks such as orders, products, and customers that most need your attention. Automation can optimize the supply chain and open up innovative distribution channels. Use of RPA to get rid of human errors and drive operational efficiency and insights is becoming critical in retail and FMCG.
Case Studies
Major Retailer Grows Active
Customer Base, Revenue, and Profit
Through Consumer Analytics and
Machine Learning.
Data consolidation and reporting
using Power BI for a leading
food manufacturing company
Case Studies
Major Retailer
Data consolidation and reporting
using Power BI for a leading
food manufacturing company
Network Provider
Business performance with
accurate reporting and dashboards for a
leading food manufacturing company
Are you ready to improve your enterprise efficiency?