Glossary – Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management What is Identity and Access Management?   Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a crucial security and business practice that grants access to necessary tools and resources for authorized users, software, and hardware. Also while...

Glossary – Data Privacy

Data Privacy What is Data Privacy? Data privacy is an act of securing personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. This entails gathering, storing and applying data in ways that respect individuals’ personal space and safety. It is a significant...

Glossary – Containerization

Containerization  What Does Containerization Mean?    Containerization is a strategy for deploying software that involves package applications and their dependencies in one lightweight, portable, executable package called containers. This approach differs from typical...

Glossary – Cloud Backup

Cloud Backup  Introduction to Cloud Backup In today’s digital age, our most important information is stored on electronic devices. Ensuring this data is secure is essential. Think about it—if your computer crashed or was stolen, would you want to lose precious...

Glossary – Network Analysis

Network Analysis  Introduction to Network Analysis  Network analysis examines networks and their various components, which are interconnected. Visualize a network as your circle of friends; you have friends (nodes), and the relationships between you and your friends...

Glossary – Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting  Introduction  Do you know how websites and applications are always available online, no matter where you are? The answer lies in the cloud, and specifically, cloud hosting. It is an affordable, scalable, and reliable solution that ensures that your...