According to a report by the Commonwealth Fund, the US spent 17.8 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health care in 2021. 

That is almost twice as much as the average OECD country (9.4 percent). Yet according to the World Health Organization, the US ranks 37th out of 191 countries evaluated regarding healthcare. Clearly, the US Healthcare Industry is failing to optimize its operations. 

Bringing in a greater degree of healthcare data automation to simplify processes is of utmost necessity. This article will explore how healthcare can implement data automation and benefit from the latest AI tools.


What is Healthcare Data Automation?

Data automation in healthcare is the process of using automated tools or techniques to record, communicate, process, transform, load, or present data and information.

The lengthy definition first.

Data automation in healthcare is the process of using automated tools or techniques to record, communicate, process, transform, load, or present data and information.

The TLDR version is next.

Data automation is the use of software to process data so that it is readily available for the end user.

Data automation can help healthcare organizations to:

  • reduce costs
  • improve efficiency
  • enhance quality
  • comply with regulations
  • automate tasks


Principal Benefits of Healthcare Data Automation

Benefits of Data Automation for Healthcare are reduced human intervention in patient onboarding, billing, claims processing, reporting, and prescription management.

  • Reduced human intervention in patient onboarding, billing, claims processing, reporting, and prescription management.
  • Data-based diagnostic support can improve the accuracy, speed, and consistency of diagnosis and reduce costs and errors.


Steps to Implementing Healthcare Data Automation

These are some common steps in data automation implementation for healthcare entities.

  • Identification of data: The first step involves choosing the data sources and formats you want to automate.
  • Define objectives: You need to define the business objectives and requirements for the data automation project.
  • Determination of data access: Deciding how to access and fetch the data from the source systems. You might work with open-source, third-party-generated, or your own historical data.
  • Selection of tools and platforms: Choosing the appropriate tools and considering factors such as functionality, scalability, usability, cost, and compatibility.
  • Defining transformations and operations: Specifying the logic and rules you want to apply to the data.
  • Developing and testing ETL process: Implementing and testing the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process that automates the data tasks.
  • Scheduling the automated work consists of setting up the frequency and timing of the automated work.
  • Evaluate the results: The last step involves assessing the results and outcomes of the data automation project. You should also measure and report the benefits and impacts of data automation for your healthcare entity.


The Benefits and Features of FLIP, a Data Automation Tool for Healthcare


What is FLIP? 

FLIP is a cloud-based data automation platform designed by Kanerika for the healthcare industry. It helps healthcare entities to organize, process, and analyze large amounts of complex data in real-time.

You can generate a bespoke report in seconds instead of waiting a week for your data analysts to deliver. 

The main purpose of FLIP is to help clients make informed business decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.


What does FLIP offer?

FLIP is a cloud-based platform that provides automated data integration from various sources to data warehouses. It will help data teams at your bank simplify and streamline their data pipelines. With its AI-powered zero-code interface, data processes become much easier to operate.

  • At its core, FLIP provides an end-to-end data automation solution that helps healthcare operators to ingest data from multiple sources and formats.
  • Popular input sources can consist of spreadsheets, PDFs, and APIs. FLIP then transforms it into a standardized format that can be easily analyzed. Our platform also offers powerful data modeling and analytics tools that allow you to visualize and explore data intricately.
  • One of the key benefits of the FLIP platform is its ability to automate much of the data integration and analytics process. This can save hospitals valuable resources while also improving the accuracy and consistency of the reports.
  • Once the data has been transformed and integrated, the FLIP data automation platform provides a range of powerful analytics and reporting tools that give you deeper insights into hospital operations.
  • The platform offers a range of pre-built dashboards and reports that can be customized to meet your specific needs. These allow healthcare providers to analyze their data automation performance.


How can FLIP be customized? 

  • In addition to its core data integration and analytics capabilities, the FLIP platform offers various additional features and services that allow healthcare institutions to benefit from their data automation pipelines.
  • You have easy access to powerful data visualization and exploration tools that allow you to drill down into the data and identify trends and patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  • You could add modules to monitor such as data quality. Otherwise, it can work as a data governance tool and ensure data privacy and security.
  • We can customize it for data enrichment services, with advanced analytics and modeling tools.
  • The platform is highly scalable. FLIP can be customized to meet the needs of healthcare entities of all sizes. Whether you run a small county hospital or a healthcare behemoth, it can assist and monitor the data flow.


Get FLIP Today!

FLIP’s zero-code AI-powered platform offers healthcare organizations a powerful and flexible solution for managing and analyzing complex data sets. 

If you are searching for a cost-effective data automation solution for healthcare organizations, look no further. FLIP is the perfect tool to assist business users in making better-informed decisions and improving overall performance.

You can sign up for your free account by booking a meeting here


Can Data Automation in Healthcare Lead to Cost Savings?

Yes, by automating tasks and improving data accuracy, healthcare organizations can reduce operational costs and minimize errors, leading to more efficient and cost-effective healthcare delivery.

How Do You Choose the Right Tools and Platforms for Data Automation?

Choosing the right tools involves considering factors like functionality, scalability, usability, cost, and compatibility with existing systems in the healthcare entity.

What Is the Role of Data Transformations and Operations in Data Automation?

Defining data transformations and operations involves specifying the logic and rules to be applied to the data, which is crucial for ensuring the data is processed correctly and meets the required standards.

What Are the Principal Benefits of Data Automation in Healthcare?

The key benefits include reduced human intervention in patient onboarding, billing, claims processing, reporting, and prescription management. Data automation also enables faster data exchange and analysis, improving decision-making and patient outcomes.

Why Is Data Automation Important in Healthcare?

Data automation is crucial in healthcare for reducing costs, improving efficiency, enhancing quality of care, ensuring compliance with regulations, and automating routine tasks. This leads to better healthcare outcomes and operational efficiencies.

What Features Does FLIP Offer for Healthcare Data Automation?

FLIP offers features like automated data integration from various sources, AI-powered zero-code interface, data modeling and analytics tools, and machine learning technologies for extracting key data elements. It simplifies and streamlines data pipelines in healthcare.

How Does Data Automation Improve Patient Onboarding and Billing Processes?

Data automation streamlines patient onboarding and billing by minimizing manual data entry, reducing errors, and speeding up the process, thus enhancing patient experience and operational efficiency.

How Does Data Automation Impact Patient Care?

Data automation leads to more accurate diagnoses, efficient patient management, and personalized care plans, thereby significantly improving the quality of patient care.

What Role Does AI Play in Healthcare Data Automation?

AI in healthcare data automation helps in processing complex data sets, identifying patterns, and providing insights that support better healthcare decision-making and patient outcomes.


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