Data is often a misunderstood term. Engineers are tired of it, content creators can’t get enough of it, and companies ignore it. There are numerous statistics published by leading research and surveys that all point towards a single conclusion – many companies do not value the potential of data. FLIP’s journey begins with a solution to the industry’s love-hate relationship with data management.

Even though nearly every statistic claims that good data practices improve company revenue and operational efficiency, only some companies can utilize their data. This leads to losses and missed opportunities that competitors are more than willing to exploit. FLIP succeeds where traditional data tools fail – with good user experience and automation that lets business owners transform their data without requiring in-depth technical knowledge. 

In an age where AI innovation has already begun reshaping our economy, companies should take advantage of automated tools that crunch data for them. This is where FLIP shines and offers an easy experience for managing data processes. Let’s find out how we created FLIP.


The Story of Kanerika: Offering Solutions with Innovative Technology

FLIP’s journey cannot be told without first describing the story of our company, Kanerika.

Founded in 2016, we set out to create a company that could transform the way businesses use and manage their data. Our mission was simple. We wanted to deliver innovative solutions that exceeded expectations and helped businesses reach their full potential. We can proudly say that in a span of more than five years – we have done that and beyond for our global clients.

Kanerika has been an invaluable partner. Their dedication to our success has been greatly appreciated. They have a talented team, they solve problems, and they have a great partnership attitude.

In addition to our own expertise, we have formed partnerships with some of the biggest names in the industry. Our partners include Microsoft, Automation Anywhere, UiPath, Incorta, and Snowflake, among others. These partnerships allow us to provide our clients with best-in-class technology and services relevant to their requirements.

While working on projects, we often encountered requests for a DataOps tool that would simplify data processes for our clients. A tool that would require zero to minimal coding and could be operated by business owners who did not wish to employ an entire development team of engineers to create data pipelines for them. At that time, however, no such tools were available to solve this gap. Where the industry saw a problem – we envisioned a solution. A zero-code DataOps tool that every non-technical business owner could operate and execute. That is how FLIP was born.


Zero Code DataOps: Empowering Business Users

Zero Code DataOps is not just another buzzword in the data management world. 

It is a game-changing approach that empowers business users to take control of their data without the need for technical expertise.

DataOps is a methodology that focuses on streamlining data operations, including data integration, quality, governance, security, and visualization. Much like DevOps, it prioritizes continuous improvement, allowing teams to refine and optimize their processes for better outcomes.

But what sets Zero Code DataOps apart is its emphasis on democratizing data management. With Zero Code tools, business users can curate and analyze data without the need for IT support. This ensures business owners can experiment with new ideas and gain insights faster without relying on third-party developers.


Achieving DataOps Excellence with FLIP

FLIP is a dataops automation tool that lets business owners manage data processes without technical knowledge.

FLIP is a DataOps Automation tool designed primarily with the decision maker in mind. It allows business users to manage their data more effectively and make better decisions based on that data. 


Key reasons why you should use FLIP are:

  • Pro-active alerts for delayed or missed files – FLIP’s automated alerts help you stay on top of your data, ensuring nothing is missed or delayed.
  • Pre-configured templates, transformation functions, and validation rules – FLIP comes with pre-configured templates, functions, and rules that make data management faster and easier.
  • 60% more cost-effective than similar DataOps tools – FLIP is a more cost-effective solution than traditional DataOps tools available in the market.
  • 75% of overall DataOps cost saved – FLIP’s zero-code and plug-and-play nature mean zero maintenance is required, leading to significant cost savings.


Features of FLIP: 

FLIP has various features that simplify data management and make it more efficient. Some of these features include:

  • Faster onboarding – FLIP’s plug-and-play nature means you can use it immediately without complex installations or configurations.
  • Flexible classifications – With FLIP, you can easily classify and organize your data according to your needs.
  • Hybrid sources – FLIP allows you to combine data from different sources, making it easier to gain insights and make informed decisions.
  • Monitoring, alerts, and notifications – FLIP’s automated alerts and notifications ensure that you never miss a critical event or deadline.
  • Process-specific warehouse – FLIP’s process-specific warehouse makes it easier to manage and analyze data according to specific processes.
  • Business-specific dashboard – FLIP’s customizable dashboard allows you to monitor and analyze your data in a way that is specific to your business needs.
  • MLOps ready – FLIP is designed to integrate with Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) tools, that gives you deeper insights into your data.


How Can FLIP Help Your Business?

FLIP offers a range of benefits for small and large business owners, including:

  • Streamlined data management – FLIP makes it easy to manage your data, so you can focus on making better decisions.
  • Zero-code development – You don’t need any programming knowledge to use FLIP. It’s designed to be easy to use for everyone.
  • Powerful analytics – FLIP includes powerful analytics tools that let you gain insights into your business and make data-driven decisions.
  • Customizable workflows – With FLIP, you can customize your workflows to meet the unique needs of your business.
  • Improved collaboration – FLIP fosters collaboration across teams, so everyone can work more efficiently and effectively.


How You Can Use FLIP

FLIP is a zero-code tool for DataOps Automation that has been built for business owners. It can be used without requiring a technical background and is highly accessible and user-friendly to all industries and designations.

Using FLIP is easy and requires minimal onboarding. You start out by meeting our representatives, who will give you a live demo of the product. They will then set you up with a free account that you can use for 30 days! Additionally, you will have a dedicated customer success manager who will guide you through optimizing your company’s data processes. 

You can sign up for your free account by booking a meeting here!


How Cost-Effective is FLIP Compared to Other DataOps Tools?

FLIP is 60% more cost-effective than similar DataOps tools and offers a 75% savings in overall DataOps costs, making it an economical choice for businesses.

Can FLIP Integrate with Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)?

Yes, FLIP is MLOps ready, which means it can seamlessly integrate with machine learning workflows, enhancing the analytical capabilities of businesses.

Can FLIP be used in industries beyond insurance, or is it primarily tailored for that sector?

While FLIP is designed for the insurance industry, its features and capabilities can be beneficial to businesses in various industries that require efficient data management and analytics.

Can FLIP be used in industries beyond insurance, or is it primarily tailored for that sector?

While FLIP is designed for the insurance industry, its features and capabilities can be beneficial to businesses in various industries that require efficient data management and analytics.

Can FLIP be integrated with other business intelligence tools and platforms?

FLIP is designed to work seamlessly with various business intelligence tools and platforms, enhancing its capabilities and providing a comprehensive solution for data management and analysis.

How can FLIP benefit businesses looking to streamline data processes and enhance business intelligence?

FLIP simplifies data processes, offers proactive alerts, pre-configured templates, and saves costs, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to streamline data management and enhance business intelligence.

What sets FLIP apart from other DataOps tools in terms of ease of use and accessibility for non-technical users?

FLIP's zero-code nature and user-friendly interface make it accessible to non-technical users, enabling them to manage data processes with ease. It bridges the gap between technical and non-technical users.

How does FLIP contribute to achieving DataOps excellence?

FLIP is a DataOps Automation tool designed for decision makers, enabling business users to manage data effectively and make informed decisions. It offers proactive alerts, pre-configured templates, functions, and rules, making it cost-effective and easy to use.

Thank you for reading our new series of posts on FLIP. If you want to know more about Kanerika and FLIP, please write to us at

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