Sherlock Holmes creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, warned, “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” In our information age, data is the new oil – data literally fuels every key business decision. But how do you analyze data accurately? How do you avoid bad-quality data that leads to incorrect business decisions? That’s the pain point that Microsoft’s Azure Ecosystem has solved since its inception. 

With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being created daily, it has become important to process and clean this data to obtain meaningful insights from it. Data Analytics, a multi-billion-dollar industry now, predicted CAGR of 29.9% from 2022 to 2030. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Intelligence (BI) wave has swept through the world, driven by massive data collection in the past decade. #ChatGPT, #Bard and other AI models are now intelligent enough to automate tasks that earlier required human intervention.

However, despite this intelligence wave, organizations continue to struggle with data engineering cycles. They are either plagued with delays or miss out on objectives due to the complexity of managing a data pipeline with all its bells and whistles.

This is where Microsoft Fabric is the need of the hour to empower the process of maximizing the value of enterprise data. The presence of a unified Azure ecosystem will not just solve existing problems of scalability and data visibility for Azure users, but also lead to Smaller and Streamlined Data Engineering Cycles that will take care of the compliance and costing issues. In today’s article, we look at what’s changed with Microsoft Fabric and how it benefits companies.


Why Microsoft Fabric?

The current approach to data engineering for business intelligence and analytics evolved with inefficiencies. It begins with extracting data from various ERP/CRM/Budgeting/Planning systems and ends with displaying it in analytics tools such as PowerBI. Furthermore, the process often requires multiple data stores to hold the data (Multiple Copies), which adds additional complexity and cost.

Solutions include a Data Lake or a Data Warehouse, or both. However, their usage is often determined by the data’s complexity and the customer’s specific needs. As a result, the current approach to data engineering requires far more time and resources to manage.


A typical data pipeline looks like this:

Source -> Data Lake -> Data warehouse -> Transformation -> BI Tool -> Decision Makers

Here is an example of the flow with some of the popular industry tools:

Source (Oracle/Dynamics/SAP)-> AWS Data Lake -> Redshift -> Tableau Prep -> Tableau -> Consumers


As shown above, the workflow extracts data from a source database, loads it into a Data Lake, processes and transforms it using a Data Warehouse, prepares the data using Transformation tools, and visualizes it using BI Tools like PowerBI.   Building and maintaining a pipeline that spans multiple technologies and platforms can be complex and time-consuming.

Also Read- Microsoft Fabric Vs Tableau: Choosing the Best Data Analytics Tool

Challenges Faced by Companies Today

  1. Complexity: Building and maintaining a pipeline that spans multiple technologies and platforms can be complex and require specialized knowledge and expertise. This can result in increased development and maintenance costs.
  2. Latency: Moving data between different systems and platforms can introduce latency into the pipeline. This can impact the timeliness of the insights generated by the pipeline.
  3. Security: Transferring data between different systems and platforms can also introduce security risks if not done properly. It is important to ensure that all data is encrypted during transit and at rest, and that access controls, keys and credentials are in place to prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Cost: Depending on the volume of data being processed and the specific technologies used, the cost of building and operating a pipeline like this can be significant.
  5. Compatibility: Ensuring data is properly formatted and compatible across different systems and platforms can be challenging. Investing additional resources into data transformation and normalization may be necessary to ensure that data can be properly processed and analyzed.
  6. Database-specific limitations: SAP or Oracle or SQL may have limitations on the amount of data that can be extracted or may have proprietary data structures that may require additional development effort to extract and transform the data.
  7. Tool-specific limitations: The specific tools being used for transformation, such as Redshift, Snowflake, may have limitations on the types of data sources they can connect to or the complexity of transformations they can perform.


A lot of moving parts means something somewhere is constantly breaking down, leading to a higher probability of errors and misplaced data.  Microsoft Fabric addresses all these complex data platform issues and empowers analytics platforms with artificial intelligence while solving them.

Read More – Microsoft Copilot vs ChatGPT: Choosing the Right AI Titan


Microsoft Fabric: Faster, Smarter, Unified, AI-Powered and Most Efficient Data Management Platform

After the adoption of #openAI, Microsoft now delivers a unified and comprehensive AI powered, unified data analytics solution in the form of Microsoft Fabric to help organizations of all sizes streamline their data management and analysis processes. Its advanced, AI powered end-to-end analytics solution helps businesses make better decisions with their data.

Microsoft Fabric creates data visibility for end users using BI Tools (Power BI) at every stage of data engineering. Data storage has been innovated to work seamlessly across all technologies. This means you can see the data from a Data Lake or Warehouse on the BI tool without loading the data into the tool (NO replication? Really). 

Here is a quick rundown on how Kanerika helps you maximize the value of your data using Microsoft’s Microsoft Fabric: 

  1. AI-Powered Microsoft Fabric is a Unified solution covering all data pipeline stages, from data ingestion and storage to processing, transformation, security and analysis. 
  2. Microsoft Fabric is designed to be highly scalable, allowing organizations to process and analyze large volumes of data quickly and efficiently without data movement. This can help organizations keep up with growing data volumes and provide faster insights to support decision-making.
  3. Unify your data estate – It helps organizations reduce costs by consolidating multiple tools and technologies into a single unified solution using an open and lake-centric hub that helps data engineers connect, curate, and personalized views for every data consumer in your company.
  4. Empowering your business – Help businesses innovate, and make faster decisions with real time data access within Microsoft 365 apps like teams, excel or Power apps within the Microsoft Fabric interface.
  5. Microsoft Fabric follows the leading industry storage format, delta Parquet. This allows for seamless cross-platform interchange of data and allows collaboration between different tools such as your Data Lake, SQL Engine, or even your Notebook. This is possible as all data are saved in the same format in the tools. Furthermore, users can choose their processing technology based on the following factors:
    • Expected Data volume 
    • Quality of in-house expertise 
    • Expected Final Outcome 
  6. All popular technologies such as Data Pipeline, Data flow gen2, SQL, Kusto, and Notebook are available to users within the same ecosystem to create a unified and cohesive data engineering experience.
  7. Security & Governance – With unified analytics solutions, customers get control of how their data needs to be governed. Microsoft Fabric allows connecting people and data using an open and scalable solution that gives data stewards additional control with built-in security, governance, and compliance. 


Microsoft Fabric empowers data engineers to analyze data in Power BI at every stage of the data lifecycle, beginning from the raw data in Data Lakes to the processed data after Data Transformation.

This new unified ecosystem ensures complete data visibility to QA and Business teams from data inceptions stage itself and helps create a better collaborative environment that thrives in using similar data formats and tools.


Don’t Miss Out: Implement Microsoft Fabric and Get a Head Start with Kanerika

Kanerika is a niche consulting company to maximize the value of your data. As a preview user of Microsoft Fabric, you can explore all of the features and benefits of Microsoft Fabric’s comprehensive data pipeline solution with Kanerika. This will give you a head start on understanding the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric and give you an edge over your competition through the use of the latest data technologies.

Revolutionizing Data Management through FLIP’s Support of Microsoft Fabric

With the full integration of FLIP with the Microsoft Fabric ecosystem, Kanerika is at the forefront of advancing data analytics and management solutions. FLIP’s support for Microsoft Fabric brings a new level of efficiency and innovation to data processes, addressing the complexities and challenges faced in modern data engineering.

Transformative Features of the FLIP and Microsoft Fabric Integration

  • Unified Data Engineering and Analytics: FLIP’s integration with Microsoft Fabric enhances its data engineering capabilities. This collaboration enables a seamless flow of data through various stages, from collection to insightful analytics, ensuring a unified and efficient data management process.
  • Streamlined Processes and Reduced Complexity: By harnessing the power of Microsoft Fabric, FLIP simplifies the data pipeline. This integrated approach minimizes the need for multiple disparate tools and reduces the overall complexity and time involved in data processing and analysis.
  • Leveraging Advanced AI and BI Tools: The combination of FLIP with Microsoft Fabric’s advanced AI and BI functionalities allows businesses to delve into deeper, more sophisticated analytics. This leads to more informed and data-driven decision-making.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: FLIP, in conjunction with Microsoft Fabric, provides scalable and flexible data solutions. This adaptability ensures that businesses of varying sizes and complexities can benefit from top-tier data analytics capabilities without the burden of technical intricacies.
  • Enhanced Data Security and Governance: In an era where data security is crucial, the integration of FLIP with Microsoft Fabric brings robust security and governance features. This ensures that data is not only efficiently processed but also remains secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Embracing a Data-Driven Era with FLIP and Microsoft Fabric

With FLIP’s integration into the Microsoft Fabric ecosystem, Kanerika is uniquely positioned to offer advanced data management and analytics solutions. This collaboration is more than just a technological alliance; it represents a new era in data analytics and management, enabling businesses to navigate the complexities of modern data processes with greater ease and efficiency.

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How does Microsoft Fabric simplify data engineering cycles?

Microsoft Fabric streamlines data engineering cycles by providing a unified Azure ecosystem. This reduces complexity, enhances data visibility, ensures compliance, and optimizes costs, resulting in smaller and more efficient data engineering processes.

How does Microsoft Fabric address the complexity of data engineering across multiple technologies and platforms?

Microsoft Fabric simplifies data engineering by offering a unified solution within the Azure ecosystem. It eliminates the need for multiple data stores, reduces complexity, and enhances scalability and data visibility.

What are the inefficiencies in the current approach to data engineering for business intelligence and analytics?

The current approach involves extracting data from various systems, leading to complexity, multiple data stores, latency, security risks, high costs, compatibility issues, and limitations in databases and tools.

What storage format does Microsoft Fabric follow, and how does it benefit collaboration?

Microsoft Fabric follows the industry-standard storage format, delta Parquet, enabling seamless cross-platform data interchange and collaboration between different tools and technologies.

How does Microsoft Fabric promote data visibility and collaboration among QA and Business teams?

Microsoft Fabric's unified ecosystem ensures complete data visibility from the data inception stage, fostering a collaborative environment that utilizes consistent data formats and tools.

How does Microsoft Fabric utilize AI to enhance data management?

Microsoft Fabric leverages AI to create a unified solution covering all data pipeline stages, from data ingestion to storage, processing, transformation, security, and analysis.

What makes Microsoft Fabric a valuable solution for modernizing data engineering and analytics?

Microsoft Fabric's AI-powered, unified, and efficient data management platform revolutionizes data engineering and analytics, making it faster, smarter, and more cost-effective.

Can Microsoft Fabric help organizations avoid the need for multiple data stores and data replication?

Yes, Microsoft Fabric eliminates the need for multiple data stores and data replication, simplifying data storage and access.

Does Microsoft Fabric support integration with popular BI tools like Power BI?

Yes, Microsoft Fabric provides integration with BI tools like Power BI, making it easier for organizations to leverage their data for analytics.