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Search Results for: Automation – Page 3


Secrets to Enabling Automation in Finance

According to McKinsey, about 40% of finance activities can be fully automated, significantly enhancing efficiency and accuracy in financial operations. Gone are the days of manual ledger entries and investment decisions based on yesterday’s news. Automation in finance has dramatically transformed the sector, shifting from paper-laden desks and time-consuming calculations


UiPath vs Automation Anywhere: Choosing the Best RPA Tool

Automation has become synonymous with efficiency and productivity for many industries. It is the backbone of numerous companies that manufacture and provide services to global users today. With the right automation tools, businesses can save costs, increase their operational efficiency, and become more productive overall, as automation can replace repetitive


Zapier vs Power Automate: An Automation Comparison Guide

Automation is all around us.  From healthcare systems to manufacturing and even insurance underwriting, what were once considered to be human-centric tasks are now achieved by automation solutions with incredible accuracy and detail. As a result, most businesses are eager to jump into the automation trend but find themselves at


RPA for Enterprise: Streamlining Business Processes Automation

Before discussing RPA or process automation, let’s discuss a common challenge for enterprises- the complexities associated with their recruitment processes. It is a pain for even the most skilled recruitment team to manage various job applications from multiple portals, each with its unique format.  This diversity leads to an increased


Benefits of Hyperautomation for Insurance and Banking Institutions

Financial institutions have long been wary of adopting new technologies. Banks took decades to shift banking infrastructure and payments online, and even then, they encountered various challenges with security and efficiency for years to come. With technologies like hyperautomation (a blend of AI and automation) now revamping entire industries such


RPA vs. IA: Unveiling the Key Differences in Automation

If you want to improve your business processes, you may have encountered the terms Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Automation (IA). While they may sound similar, there are critical differences regarding RPA vs IA. RPA technology uses software robots to automate repetitive, rules-based tasks. These robots operate continuously without


Understanding Intelligent Automation: An In-Depth Guide

Intelligent automation (IA) is a rapidly evolving technology that uses a combination of artificial intelligence (AI), business process management (BPM), and robotic process automation (RPA) to streamline and scale decision-making across organizations. IA is also referred to as Intelligent Process Automation (IPA). IA is transforming the way businesses operate and

Automation Tool Comparison Guide_Kanerika

The Ultimate Process Automation Tools Comparison Guide

In the fast-paced world of business and technology, automation tools have become indispensable. These tools allow for the streamlining of workflows, the scaling of operations, and the freeing of valuable human resources for more complex tasks. The question, however, is which process automation tool is right for your organization? In


Top 5 Hyperautomation Use Cases in 2024

The fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us, and it is spearheaded by technologies like hyperautomation, that combine the best of tech like AI and RPA. Bill Gates has rightly quoted on the topic, ”The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient


The Benefits of Data Automation for Your Organization

Data is all around us. What began as a byproduct of globalized technology and the rise of computer technologies has become a valuable asset for organizations. By the year 2025, about 450 exabytes of data will be generated every day worldwide – that’s an unimaginably large amount of data that

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