“YouTube”, “Amazon”, “Facebook”, “Weather”, and “Google” – these are some of the most popular searches on Google. 

Google processes about 99,000 search queries every second, amounting to 8.5 billion searches per day and nearly 2 trillion globally each year. 

That’s just from Google. 

Every day, an astonishing 328.77 million terabytes of data are created.

90% of the world’s data was created in the last two years. This overwhelming influx of data poses a critical challenge: how do organizations harness this immense wealth of information? 

Enter cloud data warehouses.

A cloud data warehouse, essentially, provides a secure, scalable, and efficient method to store and manage copious amounts of data in the public cloud. Its agility, flexibility, and user-friendly nature make it an indispensable asset for businesses that depend on data-driven decision-making. 

Through the course of this article, we will delve into the features and benefits of cloud data warehouse solutions and compare cloud-based data warehouses with traditional on-premise solutions.


Table of Content

  1. What is a Cloud Data Warehouse?
  2. Operational Dynamics of Data Warehouse in the Cloud
  3. Benefits of Cloud Data Warehousing
  4. Cloud Data Warehouse Use Cases
  5. Selecting the Right Cloud Data Warehouse Solution
  6. Kanerika: Your Partner in Cloud Services
  7. FAQs


What is a Cloud Data Warehouse?


What is a Cloud Data Warehouse?


By 2026, the market for cloud data warehousing is expected to soar to $12.9 billion, growing at a robust annual rate of 22.3%. This growth is most pronounced in North America and Europe, while the Asia-Pacific region, particularly China and India, is witnessing the fastest expansion.

Why the sudden surge? 

Manufacturing, healthcare, IT, government, retail, BFSI, and more – industries across the world are experiencing a universal shift towards data-centric business models.

In such a scenario, a data warehouse, or enterprise data warehouse (EDW), serves as a centralized platform for analyzing and reporting structured data and semi-structured data.

This data is often pulled from customer interactions and financial transactions.

Cloud data warehouses then store this information for future data analysis. This, in turn, helps businesses make better decisions.

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Operational Dynamics of Data Warehouse in the Cloud

Zest AI’s founder, Douglas Merrill, once stated, “With too little data, you won’t be able to make any conclusions that you trust. With loads of data, you will find relationships that aren’t real.”

This might leave you wondering: So, how do businesses intelligently manage this data?

Here, cloud data warehouse solutions provide a sophisticated answer.

In its initial funnels, a cloud data warehouse starts with the collection and integration of data from diverse internal and external sources. This data is then funneled through a robust pipeline, undergoing the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process.

Some cloud data warehouses also utilize the ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) approach, depending on the specific requirements of the data and the analytical tasks at hand. 

These processes ensure that the data goes beyond storage and is optimized for effective utilization.

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Cloud data warehouses are designed to handle both structured and semi-structured data. This versatility is further enhanced when integrated with a cloud data lake, enabling the collection and storage of unstructured data. 

Key features of cloud data warehouses include 

  • Massively parallel processing (MPP) for handling large data sets
  • Columnar data stores for efficient data retrieval
  • Self-service ETL and ELT for seamless data integration
  • Robust disaster recovery mechanisms with automatic backups. 


Moreover, they come equipped with compliance tools and built-in integrations for business intelligence, artificial intelligence, and machine learning applications.

However, in order to get a complete understanding of cloud data warehouses, it is vital to understand the layers of data warehousing. 

An Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) provides a centralized decision-making framework, an Operational Data Store (ODS) offers real-time or near-real-time data integration, and data marts cater to specific business or industry needs. 

Additionally, the configuration of a cloud data warehouse can range from offline operational databases to integrated systems. Each offers a unique advantage to businesses, as per their requirements.


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Benefits of Cloud Data Warehousing

Traditional data warehouses, predominantly hosted on-premises, have been essential for storing subsets of data from various sources. However, they often fall short in areas like real-time analysis and scalability due to their rigid schemas and high maintenance costs.


How Businesses Can Benefit From cloud Data Warehousing


Cloud data warehouses are a game-changer in this regard:


1. Scalability and Flexibility for Organizations

As businesses grow and data requirements fluctuate, cloud data warehouses effortlessly scale up or down, ensuring that organizations can adapt to changes without any downtime or the need for additional physical infrastructure.


2. Cost Efficiency Through Pay-As-You-Go Models

The traditional upfront investment in hardware is eliminated and replaced by a pay-as-you-go model where organizations only pay for the storage and compute power they use. This pricing model not only reduces initial costs but also aligns ongoing expenses with actual usage, leading to significant operational savings.


3. Enhanced Security with Encrypted Storage

It offer advanced security features, including encrypted storage for data at rest and in transit, as well as role-based access controls with comprehensive auditing capabilities, ensuring data integrity and compliance with regulatory standards.

4. Superior Performance

The cloud environment is optimized for high performance, with features like columnar storage, in-memory computing, and parallel processing. These capabilities enable faster and more efficient data analysis, facilitating real-time insights that were previously unattainable with traditional warehousing solutions.


Take your Business to the Next Level (8)

5. Support for Advanced Analytics with AI/ML

Cloud data warehouses well-equip to support AI and machine learning initiatives. By providing powerful data processing capabilities and seamless integration with various analytical tools, they enable organizations to extract deeper insights and foster innovation.


6. Operational Uptime and Reliability

With cloud data warehouse solutions, businesses enjoy improved uptime and reliability. The cloud service provider is responsible for carrying out infrastructure management, upgrades, and maintenance. This allows companies to focus on their core activities without worrying about warehousing downtimes or disruptions.


7. Collaborative Efficiency for Teams

A significant advantage of cloud data warehouses is the facilitation of collaboration. With web-based interfaces, these platforms make it easier for teams to access, query, and visualize data collaboratively, leading to faster insights and more informed decision-making.

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Cloud Data Warehouse Use Cases


Cloud Data Warehouse Use Cases


Leveraging Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) Data: As the IIoT market is poised to reach over $2 trillion by 2030, industries from manufacturing to energy are inundated with data from IIoT devices. Traditional data warehouses struggle to manage this volume effectively. Cloud data warehouses, with their scalability and accessibility, provide an ideal solution for harnessing IIoT data and converting it into actionable insights that drive efficiency and innovation.


Transforming Legacy Data into a Contemporary Asset: Legacy data, often trapped in outdated systems, is a hidden treasure trove of insights. It offer the tools to integrate this legacy data with modern streams, providing holistic insights and rejuvenating its value for contemporary business applications.


Enhanced Strategic Decision-Making: The advanced analytics and reporting capabilities of cloud data warehouses empower businesses to generate customized reports, addressing specific challenges. This leads to agile and confident strategic decisions. Enabling businesses to adapt quickly to market changes and maintain a competitive edge.


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Selecting the Right Cloud Data Warehouse Solution

Here’s a comparative table for the major cloud data warehouse platforms:


Feature/PlatformAmazon RedshiftAzure Synapse AnalyticsGoogle BigQuerySnowflake
Best ForBig data warehousingEnterprise data warehousingCost-effective storage for large volumes with infrequent queriesCloud-agnostic data warehousing
Key FeaturesSQL querying of exabytes of data, Federated querying, Integration with Amazon EMR and ML servicesIntegration with 90+ data sources, Advanced indexing and query performance, Integration with Azure Machine LearningExabyte-scale storage, More than 100 data source connectors, Federated querying supportSeparate scaling of storage and compute resources, Support for multiple cloud vendors, Automated database maintenance
Pricing ModelOn-demand, Reserved instancesOn-demand, Reserved instancesStorage based, Pay-per-queryOn-demand, Pre-purchase
Storage CostsSeparate charges for RA3 node type$23/TB/month$0.02/GB/month (active), $0.01/GB/month (long-term)Separate billing of storage and compute
ScalabilityHandles terabytes to petabytes of dataIdeal for data more than 1TB, Supports billion-row tablesSuitable for large-scale data storageScales without affecting performance
SuitabilityCompanies dealing with exabytes of data, Advanced querying needsLarge enterprises, Extensive data integration needsStoring vast data cost-effectively, Variable querying needsFlexibility in cloud provider choice, Balance of performance and cost efficiency


Kanerika: Your Partner in Cloud Services

Adopting cloud transformation and implementation is a crucial step in every business’s growth. With Kanerika, we provide tailored strategies that align with your business requirements.

Whether you’re transitioning from traditional databases or enhancing your current cloud setup, you can depend on Kanerika’s team for results.

Our offerings include:


  • Custom Implementation: Seamlessly integrating top cloud data warehouse platforms like Amazon Redshift, Azure Synapse Analytics, Google BigQuery, or Snowflake. Thus, ensuring a perfect fit for your data requirements.
  • Data Migration and Management: Expertly migrating and managing your data with an emphasis on security, integrity, and accessibility.
  • Advanced Analytics and Insights: Utilizing AI and machine learning to derive actionable insights and informed decisions through innovative practices.
  • Continuous Support and Optimization: Providing ongoing assistance and fine-tuning services to adapt to your evolving business landscape.


Embrace advanced cloud data warehousing with our specialized solutions and step into a future of data-driven success.

Book your free consultation today.


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Which cloud data warehouse is best?

The "best" cloud data warehouse depends on your specific needs. Amazon Redshift excels in big data warehousing, Azure Synapse Analytics is ideal for enterprise-level warehousing, Google BigQuery offers cost-effective solutions for large data volumes, and Snowflake provides a cloud-agnostic approach. Assess your data volume, analysis needs, and budget to make an informed choice.

What are 3 advantages of cloud data warehousing?

  1. Scalability and Flexibility: Cloud data warehouses easily scale to accommodate fluctuating data volumes, ensuring agility in business operations.
  2. Cost Efficiency: With pay-as-you-go models, they reduce upfront hardware investments and align expenses with usage.
  3. Enhanced Security: Advanced security features safeguard data integrity and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

What is a cloud data warehouse?

A cloud data warehouse is a centralized platform that stores, manages, and analyzes data in a cloud environment. It offers scalability, flexibility, and advanced analytical capabilities, enabling efficient data-driven decision-making.

Is Azure a cloud data warehouse?

Azure Synapse Analytics is Microsoft's cloud data warehouse solution, offering robust data storage, integration, and analytical capabilities within the Azure cloud ecosystem.

What is the difference between cloud computing and data warehousing?

Cloud computing is a broader concept involving the delivery of various services (like servers, storage, databases, networking, software) over the Internet. Cloud data warehousing is a specific service within cloud computing, focusing on data storage, management, and analysis.

Is Snowflake a cloud data warehouse?

Yes, Snowflake is a cloud data warehouse that separates storage and compute resources, supports multiple cloud vendors, and offers automated database maintenance.

Is Salesforce Data Cloud a data warehouse?

Salesforce Data Cloud, part of the Salesforce platform, focuses more on customer data integration and management. It's not a traditional data warehouse but offers data warehousing functionalities as part of its broader customer relationship management services.

Is Google Cloud Platform a data warehouse?

Google Cloud Platform offers Google BigQuery, a fully-managed, serverless data warehouse that enables scalable analysis over petabytes of data.

Is Databricks a data warehouse?

Databricks is not a traditional data warehouse; it's a data analytics platform that provides a unified environment for data engineering, collaborative data science, full-lifecycle machine learning, and business analytics.

Is Oracle Cloud a data warehouse?

Yes, Oracle Cloud offers Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, a fully-managed, high-performance, and secure data warehouse service in the cloud.