MS Copilot & Enterprise Productivity
Key Capabilities, Pricing Structure & Live Demo

Join us Live and Win $1000*

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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Unlock the power of next-generation AI at work.

Join our session where we deep dive into Microsoft 365 Copilot — your copilot for work.

Learn how this AI-powered assistant empowers creativity in Word, sharpens your analysis in Excel, adds flair to your presentations in PowerPoint, streamlines communication in Outlook, and fosters seamless collaboration in Teams.

Don’t miss out – register today!

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the Capabilities of Copilot: Dive deep into what Copilot can do! Explore how it uses AI to help you create, analyze, and automate tasks within your M365 environment
  • Seamless Integration with M365 Apps: Learn how Copilot seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and more
  • See Copilot in Action: Experience in real-time how Copilot works within specific M365 apps. Learn how it generates AI-assisted drafts for projects, enhancing productivity, and streamlining tasks

*Receive a $1000 credit upon purchasing an annual subscription for 10 Copilot licenses by attending our webinar. This credit will be applied directly to your invoice.


Majd profile pic

Majd Madina | Microsoft Product Manager

Majd brings a wealth of knowledge from his tenure at Microsoft as a Product Manager for Security, Management & Virtualization and Multinational Accounts Lead. He also excelled in partner management and marketing roles at renowned global companies like Sherweb, CompTIA, and OpenText. His diverse background and years of experience position him as a seasoned professional adept at driving innovation, collaboration, and success within the Microsoft ecosystem while consulting strategic Microsoft Partners such as Kanerika.

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We’re excited to have you join us

    MS Copilot & Enterprise Productivity
    Key Capabilities, Pricing Structure & Live Demo

    Join us Live and Win $1000*

    copilot logo

    Thursday, June 27, 2024
    8 AM PST

    Unlock the power of next-generation AI at work.

    Join our session where we deep dive into Microsoft 365 Copilot — your copilot for work.

    Learn how this AI-powered assistant empowers creativity in Word, sharpens your analysis in Excel, adds flair to your presentations in PowerPoint, streamlines communication in Outlook, and fosters seamless collaboration in Teams.

    Don’t miss out – register today!

    Key Takeaways

    • Understanding the Capabilities of Copilot: Dive deep into what Copilot can do! Explore how it uses AI to help you create, analyze, and automate tasks within your M365 environment
    • Seamless Integration with M365 Apps: Learn how Copilot seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and more
    • See Copilot in Action: Experience in real-time how Copilot works within specific M365 apps. Learn how it generates AI-assisted drafts for projects, enhancing productivity, and streamlining tasks

    *Receive a $1000 credit upon purchasing an annual subscription for 10 Copilot licenses by attending our webinar. This credit will be applied directly to your invoice


    Majd profile pic

    Majd Madina | Microsoft Product Manager

    Majd brings a wealth of knowledge from his tenure at Microsoft as a Product Manager for Security, Management & Virtualization and Multinational Accounts Lead. He also excelled in partner management and marketing roles at renowned global companies like Sherweb, CompTIA, and OpenText. His diverse background and years of experience position him as a seasoned professional adept at driving innovation, collaboration, and success within the Microsoft ecosystem while consulting strategic Microsoft Partners such as Kanerika.

    Webinar starts in








    We’re excited to have you join us