
Faster product releases


Improvement in project success rate


Enhanced productivity ​

Technologies Used

Power BI
Client Profile

The client is a distinguished software technology firm renowned for its global presence and an extensive portfolio of ongoing projects. Operating on a global scale, the client adeptly oversees a multitude of projects on behalf of its diverse clientele. Each project, uniquely characterized by its contract value, allocated budget, and anticipated costs, underscores the client's commitment to delivering exceptional software solutions across the globe

Business Context

The client operated various projects and systems, including JENKINS for deployment, SONAR for code quality assessment, JIRA for project management, and GITHUB for source control. In the context of a software company actively delivering numerous projects for diverse clients, efficient and cost-effective project management was paramount. The diverse range of projects presented challenges such as project mapping complexities, insufficient visibility, and fragmented data spread across different systems



Limited visibility caused inefficient coordination and missed deadlines across projects ​

Disparate systems and lack of project mapping hindered task tracking and ineffective project management

Lack of data consolidation and visualization capabilities for effective analysis


Integrated multiple data sources for unified project identification, improving efficiency and accuracy

Created an API integration layer to bridge data across systems, enhancing data connectivity and accessibility ​

Implemented Power BI for project management with a DevOps scorecard and on-demand insights



Limited visibility caused inefficient coordination and missed deadlines across projects

Disparate systems and lack of project mapping hindered task tracking and ineffective project management ​

Lack of data consolidation and visualization capabilities for effective analysis


Integrated multiple data sources for unified project identification, improving efficiency and accuracy

Created an API integration layer to bridge data across systems, enhancing data connectivity and accessibility ​

Implemented Power BI for project management with a DevOps scorecard and on-demand insights​

Business Impact


Increased visibility across projects

Achieved enhanced visibility through a DevOps Scorecard, offering a comprehensive view of the entire software lifecycle. Additionally, this empowered the client to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively, as proven in this project management case study


Improved customer satisfaction

Significantly enhanced customer satisfaction by ensuring successful project development through increased speed and agility and fostering project accountability

time icon

Faster Operations

Operations became significantly faster, with the previously week-long consolidation process now executed within hours

Better project management

Reduced cost, complexity, and security risks by implementing project management dashboards that accommodated individual users and the entire organization

Why Kanerika?

Kanerika is a premier provider of data-driven software solutions and services that facilitate digital transformation. Specializing in Data Integration, Analytics, AI/ML, and Cloud Management, Kanerika prides itself on its expertise in employing cutting-edge technologies and agile methodologies to ensure exceptional outcomes. With a proven track record across various industries, Kanerika maintains rigorous quality standards, backed by ISO 27701 certification, SOC II, and GDPR compliance. As a distinguished partner of Microsoft, AWS, and Informatica, Kanerika’s commitment to innovation and strong partnerships positions it at the forefront of empowering businesses for their growth.

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